When you hire someone to do inspections and maintenance of your chimney, you expect exceptional service that is performed correctly, safely, and ethically. At TN Chimney & Home, customer satisfaction is what we strive for during every one of our service calls. That is why at TN Chimney & Home, we have every one of our chimney sweeps certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). CSIA benefits our sweeps by offering coursework and training on chimney and home ventilation technology as well as chimney and ventilation safety. The organization also works with chimney sweeps to develop their own code of ethics. CSIA is the gold standard of chimney technology and safety certification.
That is why TN Chimney & Home is very proud to be Knoxville’s only certified chimney sweep.
Why CSIA Certification Matters
The mission of CSIA emphasizes the importance of education and safety in the chimney and ventilation industry as well as conducting business ethically. They take their mission very seriously and achieving certification status is not an easy task. Chimney sweeps must first complete a rigorous, two-part training course which covers:
- learning the proper and most up-to-date chimney and ventilation maintenance and repair techniques; and
- learning the safest way to service chimney and ventilation systems.
- Once training is complete, all sweeps must pass a two-part exam before they can become certified.
However, the certification process doesn’t stop there. The CSIA want to make sure that all of their certified sweeps are doing their work to the best of their ability without cutting corners or misleading their clients. That is why the CSIA requires every chimney sweep to adhere to a strict code of ethics before they are allowed to be certified. The code of ethics was developed with consumer well-being in mind. All chimney and ventilation technicians must swear that they will perform their work ethically with professionalism and integrity.
Chimney and ventilation technology is always changing. To keep up with these changes, CSIA requires a recertification process every three years. Chimney sweeps can only be recertified after they go through more training and testing.
Contact Our Team Today
At TN Chimney & Home, we believe that our CSIA-certification sets us apart from all other Chimney sweeps in Knoxville. Our certification proves our desire to rise above standard service and to perform our work better than rest. If you are in need of chimney maintenance of service, call Knoxville’s only CSIA-certified chimney technician at (865) 922-2262 or set up an appointment online today.