Are you looking to buy a new home? If so, you are probably beginning to realize all the stress. A lot of research needs to be done. A lot of boxes need to be checked to find the perfect home. One of the most stressful parts of home-buying is the concern of structural integrity. At TN Fireplace and Chimney, we want to lower your stress. We can perform the real estate inspection for your potential home’s chimney system.
Importance of Real Estate Inspections
Many people often overlook the chimney system when purchasing a new home. Often, realtors only give the chimney a brief inspection. If there are hidden issues with a chimney, it could be a safety hazard or lead to an issue that is expensive to fix down the road. In fact, chimney inspections are so important that the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 211: Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances requires one. Every chimney, fireplace, and ventilation system needs a Level 2 inspection before it is sold. This code keeps realtors honest.
Level 2 inspections
The Chimney Safety Institute of America outlines three types of chimney inspections. Level 1 inspections are a very simple inspection. Level 3 inspections are incredibly thorough and require deconstruction of your chimney. A level 2 inspection is more thorough than a level 1 inspection but does not involve destruction. Level 2 inspections involve inspecting the outside of the fireplace and chimney and a visual inspection of the inside. To get a thorough look at the inside of your chimney, a chimney sweep will use a video scanner to look for any cracks and holes in the masonry, creosote buildup, clogs, or any other issues. This close-up look assures that there won’t be any unpleasant surprises when you start using your new chimney.
Remember, any level 2 chimney inspection should be completed by a CSIA-certified sweep. Only CSIA certified chimney sweep has the training to perform a realtor inspection correctly. If you are purchasing a new home trust Knoxville’s only Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) certified chimney technicians. Call (865) 922-2262 or set up an appointment online today. We’ll give you confidence in a healthy home.