Don’t Trust the Safety of Your Home to Just Any Chimney Sweep
Fireplace and chimney maintenance services are all about protecting the homes of Greater Knoxville area residents from the threat of house fires and other damage. So, why trust the safety of your family and home to a chimney sweep without a proper certification? Chimney Sweep Certification At TN Fireplace & Chimney, we take our duty […]
What Sets Us Apart
Not all chimney sweeps are created equal. In fact, some chimney sweeps are much better than others. At TN Fireplace and Chimney, we believe that we are the best chimney sweeping service provider in Knoxville, Tennessee, and surrounding areas. This isn’t a title that we gave ourselves, but something we believe we’ve earned. Our customers […]
Invest in a Chimney Cleaning Before Santa Visits
Your chimney gets used a lot during the holidays, and who can blame you. Sitting around the warm glow of a fire, sharing in the fellowship of good friends is kind of what the holiday season is all about. However, when you use your fireplace, it creates byproducts that can make your chimney messy, smelly, […]